Hawaiian iPhone cases - iPad, MacBook, Samsung Galaxy

Life is tough. Your phone case should be tougher.

OtterBox Life-Proof Hawaiian iPhone Cases

OtterBox Life-Proof Hawaiian iPhone Cases

OtterBox Symmetry Series Protective Hawaiian iPhone Cases

OtterBox Symmetry Series Protective Hawaiian iPhone Cases

Defy gravity. Heavy Duty Hawaiian cases for iPhone and Samsung models. 

Here's a dirty little secret: Gravity is not always your friend. For those times when you're a complete klutz, we've got the answer: our Hawaiian style Otterbox Heavy Duty protective cases. These virtually bulletproof cases can take whatever life dishes out, defending against drops, bumps, shocks, and general mayhem. Give your phone the protection it deserves. Available for Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy devices. Click or tap on the images above to shop for yours.